.. .. .. .. October 19/2024 .. ..
Oda Bultum University by preparing field visit to the farming works of the farming in west Hararge zone Miesso district Oda Kanani district and the research station in the university campus shared their experience to the participants. On the visit, the participants of the research that were visited by the recipients give hope to the local community.
In the visit, the vice president of Education, Research, Technology Transformation and Social Security Assistant Professor Alamayo Bayana, Deputy President of Ibsa Ahmad Administration and Development (PhD), researchers of Oda Bultum University, Deputy Administrator of GHL Mr. Tashoma Kabada, Deputy Office of Agriculture GHL Mr Bushura Adam and representatives of the community. They are found around the university.
The vice president of Administration and Development Dr. Ibsa Ahmad, after welcoming the participants, Oda Bultum University besides learning and teaching, he conducted research that can solve the problems of the community, and with the result of the study of the study of people They said it right now. While the university is doing great works with the local community in this short life, the community has said that we will work harder than ever by using the best seeds to increase agricultural productivity and ensure food until we become independent.
On this programme there are some research projects under development on the research site, different species of disabled diseases and environmental conditions used to develop a small land, it is clear that it is possible to get good benefits from the tour.
The aim of this visit is to show the results of the research by the university researchers to the participants and the results of this research, and to give directions to the wider community. In a visit to Miesso district and university campus, it has been said that the products of selected seedlings such as: cereal, peanut, peanut butter, matajabo, fruit and vegetables are found in different types, when it is found in local winds, they can be easily acquired by local winds and will arrive in short period of time. And the cattle breeding, chicken breeding, cattle and farming technologies that can change the lives of farmers on the university campus were visited by participants.
After the visit, the program of discussion was held, the vice president of Education, Research, Technology Transformation and Social Services (BQCTTH) assistant professor Alamayo Bayana, deputy administrator of GHL Mr. Tashoma Kabada and the manager of agriculture office of GHL Bushura Adam.
Participants of the field touring programme said they would provide climate-centered seed supply and disease-resistant, supply and support the university’s expertise to local communities and seek continued support from the university. They say it’s me.
The research work that is being done at Oda Bultum University is the deputy governor of GHL Mr. Tashoma Kabada. Mr. Tashooman added, the university is working to improve the lives of the people in this short life, he said that if we work with understanding we can solve the problems of our society more than this.
Finally, the vice president of BQCTTH University, assistant professor Alamayo Bayana, Oda Bultum University, besides learning and teaching, they are working on solving the problems of the society, the cattle and different types of seeds that proved their productivity in research. Separating with a great impact on the community. They said we will use our community by taking out and making use of it. Additionally, in addition to some of the research centers that the university has, we will serve our community with the results of the research, the march was completed by thanking the recipients of the program.
Oda Bultumu University reported the public and international communication office.