Oda Bultum University Participates on the BREEDTECK Projects Kicked-off at Egerton University, Kenya.

……. OBU 10, May 2024………

Oda Bultum University has participated on the BREEDTECK projects kicked-off at Egerton University, Kenya from May 07-09/24.
BREEDTECH is European Union funded project for Capacity Building that stands for “Building Capacity in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Education and Research through Partnership Program in Africa, Middle East and Europe for Agricultural Transformation” through Erasmus+.

BREEDTECH is a three year cross regional project which has brought together a consortium of Higher Education Institution’s (HEIs) and a firm from Kenya, Ethiopia, Palestine, Italy, Sweden, and Serbia to implement four main work packages aiming to improve the contents of courses and curriculums, the skills and competence levels of students, researchers, and academic staffs in teaching and research activities from African and Palestinian universities. All over, the project is expected to improve agricultural technologies for better productivity, sustainability, environmental safety by developing and upgrading research centres and laboratories in the HEIs.

Oda Bultum University is one of the key participants of the workshop among international Higher Education Institutions partners joined this collaborative effort. The university is one of the ten project implementing partners engaged on the workshop to start activities of the terms of three years period.

Public and International Relation Executive Office

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